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A List of Literature Published on
Afazal, M. (2002) The blow flies recorded from Pakistan, with the description of one new species (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Medical Entomology and Zoology, 53, 213-230. Akesson, S., Bensch, S., Hedenstrom, A. & Irwin, D. (2002) Blowfly Trypocalliphora braueri (Diptera: Calliphoridae) larvae infestation in Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus breeding in a hybrid zone. Ornis Svecica, 12, 83-88. Allen, R. W. & Nice, M. M. (1952) A study of the breeding biology of the purple martin (Progne subis). American Midland Naturalist 47, 606-665. Arendt, W. J. (1985) Philornis Ectoparasitism of Pearly-Eyed Thrashers. II. Effects on Adults and Reproduction. The Auk, 102, 281-292. Arnold, W. W. (1919) Maggot Infested Birds. The Auk, 36, 147-148. Arriero, E., Moreno, J., Merino, S. & Martinez, J. (2008) Habitat effects on physiological stress response in nestling blue tits are mediated through parasitism. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 81, 195-203. Banbura, J., Perret, P., Blondel, J., Sauvages, A., Galan, M. J. & Lambrechts, M. M. (2001) Sex differences in parental care in a Corsican Blue Tit Parus caeruleus population. Ardea, 89, 517-526. Banbura, J., Perret, P., Blondel, J., Thomas, D. W., Cartan-Son, M. & Lambrechts, M. M. (2004) Effects of Protocalliphora parasites on nestling food composition in Corsican Blue Tits Parus caeruleus: consequences for nestling performance. Acta Ornithologica, 39, 93-103. Barbara Ann, S. (1970) Five years’ experience with a bluebird population. Maryland Birdlife, 26, 81-92. Baudry, E., Bartos, J., Emerson, K., Whitworth, T. & Werren, J. H. (2003) Wolbachia and genetic variability in the birdnest blowfly Protocalliphora sialia. Molecular Ecology, 12, 1843-1854. Baumgartner, D. L. (1988) Review of myiasis (Insecta: Diptera: Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae) of nearctic wildlife. In: Seventh annual symposium of wildlife rehabilitators Assoc, p. 46. Belskii, E. A., Lugas'kova, N. V. & Karfidova, A. A. (2005) Reproductive parameters of adult birds and morphophysiological characteristics of chicks in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca Pall.) in technogenically polluted habitats. Russian Journal of Ecology, 36, 329-335. Benard, J. & McNeil, J. N. (1979) Protocalliphora hirudo (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Infesting Savannah Sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis (Aves: Fringillidae), in eastern Quebec. Can.Ent., 111, 111-112. Bennett, G. F. & Whitworth, T. L. (1991) Studies on the life-history of some species of Protocalliphora (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 69, 2048-2058. Bennett, G. F. & Whitworth, T. L. (1992) Host, nest, and ecological relationships of species of Protocalliphora (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 70, 51-61. Bergtold, W. H. (1927) A House Finch Infected by Fly Larvae. The Auk, 44, 106-107. Bezzi, M. (1922) On the dipterous genera Passeromyia and Ornithomusca, with notes and bibliography on the non-pupiparous Myiodaria parasitic on birds. Parasitology International, 14, 29-46. Blondel, J. (2007) Coping with habitat heterogeneity: the story of Mediterranean blue tits. Journal of Ornithology, 148, S3-S15. Bohm, R. T. (1978) Protocalliphora Infestation in Great Horned Owls. The Wilson Bulletin, 90, 297. Boland, S. P., Halstead, J. A. & Valentine, B. E. (1989) Willow flycatcher nestling parasitized by larval fly, Protocalliphora cuprina. Wilson Bulletin, 101, 127-127. Bortolotti, G. R. (1985) Frequency of Protocalliphora avium (Diptera, Calliphoridae) infestations on bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie, 63, 165-168. Bouslama, Z., Chabi, Y. & Lambrechts, M. M. (2001) Chicks resist high parasite intensities in an Algerian population of blue tits. Ecoscience, 8, 320-324. Boyd, J. W. (1936) Report on the swallow enquiry, 1935. Britsh Birds, 39, 98-116. Brothers, D. R. (1999) Blow flies (Diptera, Calliphoridae) of Idaho: An annotated checklist. Great Basin Naturalist, 59, 92-96. Brower, A. E. (1966) Management of bird houses to reduce losses to Protocalliphora. Maine Field Naturalist, 22, 73-74. Burtch, V. (1920) Maggots in the ears of three seventeen day old Cooper's hawk. Auk, 37, 293. Cais, L. (1965) (Protocalliphora hirudo) Shannon and Dobroscky, 1924 (Diptera, Calliphoridae) in Poland] (In Polish). Fragmenta Faunistica (Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Zoologiczny), 12, 183-191. Cais, L., Draber-Monko, A. & Szpila, K. (2001) Bird blowflies (Calliphoridae: Protocalliphora, Trypocalliphora ) in Poland. . Pol. Pismo Ent., Gdynia, 70, 277-291. Capelle, K. J. & Whitworth, T. L. (1973) The distribution and avian hosts of Carnus hemapterus (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in North America. Journal of Medical Entomology, 10, 525-526. Charmantier, A., Kruuk, L. E. B. & Lambrechts, M. M. (2004) Parasitism reduces the potential for evolution in a wild bird population. Evolution, 58, 203-206. Coulson, J. O., Taft, S. J. & Coulson, T. D. (2010) Gastrointestinal parasites of the swallow-tailed kite (Elanoides forficatus), including a report of lesions associated with the nematode Dispharynx sp. Journal of Raptor Research, 44, 208-214. Coutant, A. F. (1915) The habits, life history, and structure of a blood-sucking muscid larva (Protocalliphora azurea). Journal of Parasitology, 1, 135-150. Crocoll, S. & Parker, J. W. (1981) Protocalliphora infestation in broad-winged hawks. Wilson Bulletin, 93, 110-110. Daoust, S. P., Savage, J., Whitworth, T., Be'Lisle, M. & Brodeur, J. (2012) Diversity and abundance of ectoparasitic blow flies Protocalliphora (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and their Nasonia (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) parasitoids in tree swallow nests within agricultural lands of southern Quebec, Canada. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 105, 471-478. Davis, W. H., Kalisz, P. J. & Wells, R. J. (1994) Eastern bluebirds prefer boxes containing old nests. Journal of Field Ornithology, 65, 250-253. Dawson, R. D. (2004) Does fresh vegetation protect avian nests from ectoparasites? An experiment with tree swallows. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 82, 1005-1010. Dawson, R. D. (2004) Efficacy of diatomaceous earth at reducing populations of nest-dwelling ectoparasites in Tree Swallows. Journal of Field Ornithology, 75, 232-238. Dawson, R. D., Hillen, K. K. & Whitworth, T. L. (2005) Effects of experimental variation in temperature on larval densities of parasitic Protocalliphora (Diptera : calliphoridae) in nests of tree swallows (Passeriformes : Hirundinidae). Environmental Entomology, 34, 563-568. Dawson, R. D., O'Brien, E. L. & Mlynowski, T. J. (2011) The price of insulation: costs and benefits of feather delivery to nests for male tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor. Journal of Avian Biology, 42, 93-102. Dawson, R. D., Whitworth, T. L. & Bortolotti, G. R. (1999) Bird Blow Flies, Protocalliphora (Diptera : Calliphoridae), in cavity nests of birds in the boreal forest of Saskatchewan. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 113, 503-506. Demas, V. P. (1989) Effects of parasitism by blowfly larvae Protocalliphora sialia (Diptera: Calliphoridae) on western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) nestlings. In. University of Florida. Descamps, S., Blondel, J., Lambrechts, M. M., Hurtrez-Bousses, S. & Thomas, F. (2002) Asynchronous hatching in a blue tit population: a test of some predictions related to ectoparasites. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie, 80, 1480-1484. Desjardins, C. A., Perfectti, F., Bartos, J. D., Enders, L. S. & Werren, J. H. (2010) The genetic basis of interspecies host preference differences in the model parasitoid Nasonia. Heredity, 104, 270-277. Dobroscky, I. (1925) External parasites of birds and the fauna of bird's nests. Biological Bulletin of the marine biology lab, 48, 274-281. Draber- Monko, A. (2004) Calliphoridae Plujki (Insecta: Diptera). in Polish, need to find a later citation that cites it in English. Draber-Monko, A. (2002) The larvae of the genus Protocalliphora Hough, 1899 (Diptera : Calliphoridae) parasitic on birds in Poland. Annales Zoologici, 52, 333-337. Dudaniec, R. Y., Fessl, B. & Kleindorfer, S. (2007) Interannual and interspecific variation in intensity of the parasitic fly, Philornis downsi, in Darwin's finches. Biological Conservation, 139, 325-332. Eastman, M. D., Johnson, L. S. & Kermott, L. H. (1989) Ectoparasitism of nestling house wrens, Troglodytes aedon, by larvae of the blow fly Protocalliphora braueri (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie, 67, 2358-2362. Eeva, T., Lehikoinen, E. & Nurmi, J. (1994) Effects of ectoparasites on breeding success of great tits (Parus major) and pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in an air pollution gradient. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 72, 624-635. Erzinclioglu, Y. Z. (1988) The morphology of the egg of the bird-parasite Protocalliphora-azurea (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2, 95-97. Eshuis-van der Voet, C. W. & de Reede, R. H. (1974) The effect of parasitism by Protocalliphora. Verh. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. Afd. Natuurk de Tweede Reeks, 63, 77-79. Fair, J. M. & Miller, C. K. (1995) The parasitic blow fly, Protocalliphora spatulata, in 2 new host species. Wilson Bulletin, 107, 179-181. Fessl, B. & Tebbich, S. (2002) Philornis downsi - a recently discovered parasite on the Galapagos archipelago - a threat for Darwin's finches? Ibis, 144, 445-451. Gaponov, S. P. (1995) Protocalliphora azurea and Trypocalliphora braueri (Diptera, Calliphoridae) in bird nests from the central black earth region of Russia. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 74, 77-82. Garrison, B. A., Vouchilas, C. & Stauffer, D. F. (1986) Nestling great crested flycatcher parasitized by larval fly (Protocalliphora hirudo). Wilson Bulletin, 98, 321-321. Gentes, M. L., Whitworth, T. L., Waldner, C., Fenton, H. & Smits, J. E. (2007) Tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) nesting on wetlands impacted by oil sands mining are highly parasitized by the bird blow fly Protocalliphora spp. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 43, 167-178. George, J. K., Mitchell, R. T. & 1948 (1948) Notes on two species of Calliphoridae (Diptera) parasitzing nestling birds. Auk, 65, 549-552. Germaine, H. L. & Germaine, S. S. (2002) Forest restoration treatment effects on the nesting success of Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana). Restoration Ecology, 10, 362-367. Gold, C. S. & Dahlsten, D. L. (1983) Effects of parasitic flies Protocalliphora spp on nestlings of mountain and chestnut-backed chickadees. Wilson Bulletin, 95, 560-572. Gold, C. S. & Dahlsten, D. L. (1986) Effects of parasitic flies (Protocalliphora spp.) on nestlings of mountain and chestnut-backed chickadees. Wilson Bulletin, 95, 560-572. Gold, C. S. & Dahlsten, D. L. (1989) Prevalence habitat selection and biology of Protocalliphora Diptera: Calliphoridae found in nests of mountain and chestnut-backed chickadees in California USA. Hilgardia, 57, 1-19. Grunin, K. Y. (1966) New and little known Calliphoridae (Diptera), mainly bloodsucking or subcutaneous parasites of birds. Ent. Rev., Wash. , 45, 503-506. Guberlet, J. E. & Hotson, H. H. (1940 ) A fly maggot attacking young birds, with observation of its life history. Murrelet, 21, 65-68. Hagelin, J. C., Perry, M. L., Ewen-Campen, B. S., Sikes, D. S. & Sharbaugh, S. (2010) Habitat type is related to nest mass and fledging success of arctic warblers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 122, 699-705. Hall, D. J. (1948) The Blowflies of North America. Lafayette, Indiana: Thomas Say Foundation. Halstead, J. A. (1988) American dipper nestlings parasitized by blowfly larvae and the northern fowl mite. Wilson Bulletin, 100, 507-508. Hamerstrom, F. & Hamerstrom, F. (1954) Myiasis of the ears of hawks. Falconry News and Notes, 1, 4-8. Hannam, K. (2006) Ectoparasitic blow flies (Protocalliphora sp.) and nestling Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis): direct effects and compensatory strategies. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie, 84, 921-930. Heeb, P., Kolliker, M. & Richner, H. (2000) Bird-ectoparasite interactions, nest humidity and ectoparasite community structure. Ecology, 81, 958-968. Henshaw, H. W. (1908) A Parasitic Fly Injurious to Our Native Birds. The Auk, 25, 87-88. Hicks, E. A. (1962) Check-list and bibliography on the occurence of insects in bird nests. Iowa State Journal of Science, 36, 233-344. Hicks, E. A. (1971) Check-list and bibliography on the occurrence of insects in bird nests. Supplement II. . Iowa St J Sci, Ames, 46, 122-338. Hill, D. P. (1998) An apparent case of between-brood sibling competition in Chestnut-collared Longspurs, Calcarius ornatus. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 112, 161-163. Hill, H. M. (1948) Raptorial hosts of Protocalliphora. Condor, 50, 131. Hill, H. M. & Work, T. H. (1947) Protocalliphora larvae infesting nestling birds of prey. Condor, 49, 74-75. Hori, K. & Iwasa, M. (1988) Biology of 2 species of the Protocalliphora (Diptera, Calliphoridae) in Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan - relationship between the occurrence and 3 species of host birds Applied Entomology and Zoology, 23, 298-303. Hori, K., Iwasa, M., Izumi, K. & Aoki, A. (1992) Host records of Protocalliphora maruyamensis and P. azurea (Diptera; Calliphoridae) from Japan. Jap. J. Ent., 60, 761-764. Hori, K., Iwasa, M. & Ogawa, R. (1988) Biology of Protocalliphora in the nests of wild birds, with special reference to Parus major. Insectarium, 11, 364-370. Hori, K., Iwasa, M. & Ogawa, R. (1990) Biology of 2 species of the Protocalliphora (Diptera, Calliphoridae) in Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan - feeding-behavior of larvae, larval and pupal durations, voltinism and host specificity. Applied Entomology and Zoology, 25, 475-482. Howe, F. P. (1991) Two new host species for the parasitic blow fly Protocalliphora braueri. Wilson Bulletin, 103, 520-521. Howe, F. P. (1992) Effects of Protocalliphora braueri (Diptera, Calliphoridae) parasitism and inclement weather on nestling sage thrashers. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 28, 141-143. Hurtrez-Bousses, S., Blondel, J. & Perret, P. (1998) Chick Parasitism. Ecology Letters, 1, 17-20. Hurtrez-Bousses, S., Blondel, J., Perret, P. & Renaud, F. (1997) Relationship between intensity of blowfly infestation and reproductive success in a Corsican population of Blue Tits. Journal of Avian Biology, 28, 267-270. Hurtrez-Bousses, S., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Perret, P., Blondel, J. & Renaud, F. (1999) Variations in prevalence and intensity of blow fly infestations in an insular Mediterranean population of blue tits. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie, 77, 337-341. Hurtrez-Bousses, S., Perret, P., Renaud, F. & Blondel, J. (1997) High blowfly parasitic loads affect breeding success in a Mediterranean population of blue tits. Oecologia (Berlin), 112, 514-517. Hurtrez-Bousses, S., Renaud, F., Blondel, J., Perret, P. & Galan, M.-J. (2000) Effects of ectoparasites of young on parents' behaviour in a Mediterranean population of Blue Tits. Journal of Avian Biology, 31, 266-269. Iwasa, M. & Hori, K. (1988) A subcutaneous bird-parasitic blowfly of the genus Trypocalliphora Peus newly recorded from Japan (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Jap. J. Sanit. Zool., Tokyo, 39, 267-270. Iwasa, M. & Hori, K. (1990) The calliphorid larvae parasitic on birds in Japan (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 4, 141-146. Iwasa, M., Hori, K. & Aoki, N. (1995) Fly fauna of bird nests in Hokkaido, Japan (Diptera). Canadian Entomologist, 127, 613-621. James, M. T. (1955) The blowflies of California. University of California Press, 4, 1-34. Janoskova, V., Orszagh, I., Jamriska, J. & Kopani, M. (2010) Pre-imaginal stages of the blowfly Protocalliphora falcozi in nests of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus). Entomologica Fennica, 21, 107-116. Jellison, W. L. & Philip, C. B. (1933) Faunae of nests of the magpie and crow in western Montana. Canadian Entomologist, 65, 26-31. Johnson, C. W. (1927) The infestation of bluebirds’ nests by Protocalliphora. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association, 3, 1-3. Johnson, C. W. (1929) The injury to nestling birds by the larvae of Protocalliphora. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 22, 131-135. Johnson, C. W. (1930) Notes on Protocalliphora during the summer of 1930. Bird-Banding, 1, 169-173. Johnson, C. W. (1931) Nestling birds destroyed by the larvae of Protocalliphora. Bulletin of the Boston Society of Natural History, 59, 21-24. Johnson, C. W. (1931) Notes on Protocalliphora during the summer of 1931. Bird-Banding, 3, 26-29. Johnson, L. S. (1996) Removal of old nest material from the nesting sites of house wrens: Effects on nest site attractiveness and ectoparasite loads. Journal of Field Ornithology, 67, 212-221. Johnson, L. S. & Albrecht, D. J. (1993) Effects of hematophagous ectoparasites on nestling house wrens, Troglodytes aedon - who pays the cost of parasitism. Oikos, 66, 255-262. Johnson, L. S., Eastman, M. D. & Kermott, L. H. (1991) Effect of ectoparasitism by larvae of the blow fly Protocalliphora parorum (Diptera: Calliphoridae) on nestling House Wrens, Troglodytes aedon. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 69, 1441-1446. Judd, W. W. (1944) Dipterious larvae parasitic on nestlings of the song sparrow. Canadian Field Naturalist, 57, 146. Judd, W. W. (1954) Insects collected from birds’ nests at London, Ontario. Canadian Field Naturalist, 68, 122-123. Judd, W. W. (1957) Diptera (Calliphoridae, Heleidae, and Chloropidae) collected from birds’ nests at London Ontario. Entomological News, 68, 32-34. Kenaga, E. E. (1961) Some insect parasites associated with the eastern bluebird in Michigan. Bird-Banding, 32, 91-94. King, B. H. & Skinner, S. W. (1991) Sex ratio in a new species of Nasonia with fully-winged males. Evolution, 45, 225-228. King, J. C., Dubay, S. A., Huspeni, T. C., VanLanen, A. R. & Gerhold, R. W. (2010) Parasite infections in nestling red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus) in northeast Wisconsin. Journal of Parasitology, 96, 535-540. Kozlov, M. V. & Terry, W. (2002) Populations densities and diversity of Calliphoridae (Diptera) around a nickle-copper smelter at Monchegorsk, northwest Russia Entomologica Fennica, 13, 98-104. Kurahashi, H. (1993) Japanese species of the ornithoparasitic blow flies: Protocalliphora and Trypocalliphora (Diptera : Calliphoridae). New Entomol. , 42, 8-15. Kurahashi, H. & Mohammad, A. (2002) The blow flies recorded from Pakistan, with the description of one new species (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Medical Entomology and Zoology, 53, 213-230. Kurahashi, H. & Thapa, V. K. (1994) Notes on the Nepalese calliphorid flies (Insecta: Diptera). Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology, 45, 179-252. Lee, R. D. & Ryckman, R. E. (1954) Coleoptera and Diptera reared from owl nests. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, 49, 23-24. Lincoln, F. C. (1931) Protocalliphora infestation of barn and bank swallows. Bird-Banding, 2, 33-34. Loye, J. & Carroll, S. (1995) Birds, bugs and blood - avian parasitism and conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 10, 232-235. Loye, J. E. & Carroll, S. P. (1998) Ectoparasite behavior and its effects on avian nest site selection. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 91, 159-163. Loye, J. E. & Zuk, M. (1991) Bird parasite interactions: ecology, evolution, and behavior: Oxford University Press, Oxford. Marshall, S. A., Whitworth, T. L. & Roscoe, L. (2011) Blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) of eastern Canada with a key to Calliphoridae subfamilies and genera of eastern North America, and a key to eastern Canadian species of Calliphorinae, Luciliinae, and Chrysomyinae. Canadian Journal of Arthropod Idenification, 1-93. Mason, E. A. (1944) Parasitism by Protocalliphora and management of cavity-nesting birds. Journal of Wildlife Management, 8, 232-247. Matsuoka, S. M., Handel, C. M. & Roby, D. D. (1997) Nesting ecology of Townsend's Warblers in relation to habitat characteristics in a mature boreal forest. Condor, 99, 271-281. Matyukhin, A. V. & Krivosheina, M. G. (2008) To the knowledge of Diptera (insecta) - Parasites of birds. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 87, 124-125. Mazgajski, T. D. (2007) Effect of old nest material on nest site selection and breeding parameters in secondary hole nesters - a review. Acta Ornithologica, 42, 1-14. Meng, H. (1954) The bird nest screw-worm fly (Apaulina avium). Falconry News and Notes, 1, 21-22. Mennerat, A., Mirleau, P., Blondel, J., Perret, P., Lambrechts, M. M. & Heeb, P. (2009) Aromatic plants in nests of the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus protect chicks from bacteria. Oecologia, 161, 849-855. Mennerat, A., Perret, P., Caro, S. P., Heeb, P. & Lambrechts, M. M. (2008) Aromatic plants in blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus nests: no negative effect on blood-sucking Protocalliphora blow fly larvae. Journal of Avian Biology, 39, 127-132. Merino, S. & Potti, J. (1995) Mites and blowflies decrease growth and survival in nestling pied flycatchers. Oikos, 73, 95-103. Merino, S. & Potti, J. (1996) Weather dependent effects of nest ectoparasites on their bird hosts. Ecography, 19, 107-113. Merino, S. & Potti, J. (1998) Growth, nutrition, and blow fly parasitism in nestling Pied Flycatchers. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie, 76, 936-941. Miller, C. K. & Fair, J. M. (1997) Effects of blow fly (Protocalliphora spatulata: Diptera: Calliphoridae) parasitism on the growth of nestling savannah sparrows in Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie, 75, 641-644. Miller, R. C. (1928) Subcutaneous parasitism of a young warbler by fly larvae. Murrelet, 10, 13-14. Moller, A. P. (1989) Parasites, predators, and nest boxes: facts and artefacts in nest box studies of birds? Oikos, 56, 421-423. Moller, A. P. (1990) Effects of parasitism by a haematophagous mite on reproduction in the barn swallow. Ecology, 71, 2345-2357. Moller, A. P. (1991) Ectoparasite loads affect optimal clutch size in sparrows. Functional Ecology, 5, 351-359. Moller, A. P., Arriero, E., Lobato, E. & Merino, S. (2009) A meta-analysis of parasite virulence in nestling birds. Biological Reviews, 84, 567-588. Morrison, B. L. & Johnson, L. S. (2002) Feeding of house wren nestlings afflicted by hematophagous ectoparasites: A test of the parental compensation hypothesis. 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Terry Whitworth, Ph.D.
3707 96th ST E
Tacoma, WA98446
Phone 253-531-7925
email: twhitworth@birdblowfly.com
Site design by Flashpoint Design
all content copyright © 2012 by Terry L Whitworth except as noted.
Portions of images by Joseph Berger (blowfly in header), John Triana (wren nest in title background), and Whitney Cranshaw (fly on wall), used by permission of www.insectimages.org.